About Me

I am an associate professor in Computer Graphics at Université de Bordeaux and a permanent member of the Manao team (Inria Bordeaux, CNRS, LaBRI).

Previously, I was a PostDoc in the Manao team, with Pierre Benard in the MoStyle project. I also spent a year as a temporary research and teaching assistant (A.T.E.R, Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche) at Bordeaux INP ENSC. I obtained my Ph.D. from the MSTII doctoral school in june 2022, under the supervision of Stefanie Wuhrer, Edmond Boyer and Franck Multon, within Inria teams Morpheo (Grenoble) and Mimetic (Rennes).

Research Interests

I am currently working on 3D animation stylization. My focus is on stylization of the geometry and motion of 3D animations in order to recreate traditional 2D animation effects. I am also interested in perception of animations by observers. During my Ph.D. thesis, I worked on transfer of animations between characters, focusing on morphologically and perceptually plausible deformations. In earlier projects, I worked on human computer interaction in virtual and mixed reality environments.


  • Our implementation of the SMEAR: Stylized Motion Exaggeration with ARt-direction paper presented at SIGGRAPH 2024 is now available for download as a Blender add-on at https://github.com/MoStyle/SMEAR !